Recently, and on several occasions, I've been "challenged" on who I am, what I believe and what I have to say. I don't claim to be perfect, I'm not always right, but that doesn't mean that I'm always wrong.
I'm a follower of Jesus Christ and the mother of three amazing children. Never in my life will I feel guilty about or apologize for either of these facts - they are what make me the woman that I am - nor will I even attempt to make anyone feel better about themselves by degrading myself or downplaying my truth.
God is my foundation, my strength, my help, and Jesus is the lover of my soul. Whatever He calls me to do, I willingly do. My children are gifts from God, whom I can't imagine living my life without. We love each other unconditionally, and support each other unceasingly. It is more than an obligation, it is an honor to be their Momma.
The fact that I am raising my children by myself as a solo mom, and that I'm not complaining about or apologizing for my life's choices, seems to confuse some and inspire others. The fact that I'm a saint, saved by God's grace - who occasionally sins - and that scripture instructs me to share my testimony and God's word with others, seems to offend some and uplift others.
I have no control over anyone else's ego or reaction to me, they may see something in me that they don't see in themselves. That realization can either be hurtful or helpful, depending on the person. All I will say is this: I am God's creation, uniquely and purposely made in His image and likeness - nothing and no one on this earth can make or break me as long as I remain in God's will for my life - to that end, you can love me or leave me alone.