Monday, September 24, 2012

Like Water for Wine

So, I'm back on my school grind, and my fall quarter starts out with Hydrotherapy - the use of water to revitalize, maintain, and restore health. 

I was none too thrilled about having to take this class, but it is required for my HHP program, so I'm getting it out of the way. This is the attitude that I walked into class with, but left with a better understanding of what Hydrotherapy is and how it relates to not only my practice, but my own well-being. 

I now understand why anytime my children complain about an ache, pain, headache or whatever - in all of my mommawisdomhood - I, without flinching, will prescribe a cup of water or a long shower, to soothe whatever ails them. Or why when I wash my hands or take a shower, I alternate between hot and cold water. Why? Because it works! My son swears by the shower cure... 

One of the most important things that I've learned, is that our bodies - being made up of 70% water - are most nearly fully hydrated when we divide our body weight by two, then drink that amount of water in ounces daily. 

Hydration formula expample: 130lbs / 2 = 65lbs .... presto, chango! 65oz water daily 

So now I'm on day four of my hydration challenge, and it has gotten easier as each day goes by. I can now tell the difference when I have not had my first 24oz or so for the day, and I no longer need to hit the head every 30 minutes - now I'm able to last for about an hour... 

I have to say that I am feeling better, am not having the sweet cravings that contributed to my gaining almost 20lbs in less than two months (WTW?!?! Yes, smh....), and will likely keep this up for life. 

Did I mention that I don't have to give up my wine? The water intake is in addition to whatever else you drink during the day. Thank You Lord for the water, and Thank You Jesus for the wine! 

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